The high technology sector is one that is actively pursued by many state and local governments, including Georgia, and an on-going concern of policy-makers is Georgia’s relative competitiveness in this area.
In a September report (FRC Report No. 262) from Georgia State University’s Fiscal Research Center, Assistant Professor Cathy Yang Liu provides a systematic overview of the high-technology sector and its growth trend in the state of Georgia between 2000 and 2011. The report examines the scale and growth of high tech workers and entrepreneurs, compared to its southeastern peer states; the industrial, demographic, and geographic details of the industry within the state, and additional indicators to gauge Georgia’s innovation capacity and competitiveness in the context of peer states.
While certainly not a call for complacence, the report finds that Georgia stacks up fairly well across a number of indicators when compared to other states in the southeast. However, Georgia does lag behind North Carolina on several key indicators. For the Full Report, click here.
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