The annual ABFM conference will be held Oct. 1-3 in Washington, D.C.
The Center for State and Local Finance will have a strong contingent at the upcoming Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM) conference, the preeminent gathering of scholars in the field.
With 500 members, the association is the largest chapter for the American Society for Public Administration, which is the most prominent professional association for public administration. Its annual conference is Oct. 1-3 in Washington, D.C.
“We’re looking forward to the conference, where we will showcase the innovative work of faculty, researchers and students,” said Carolyn Bourdeaux, director of the Center for State and Local Finance (CSLF).
CSLF draws on the knowledge of nationally recognized experts at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (AYSPS), which is ranked No. 4 in public finance and budgeting by U.S. News & World Report.
“The center is organized around our thoughts on next-generation public finance, and we’ve been gearing up over the course of our first year to make these ideas reality,” she added. “The conference will be a chance for our work to shine in the company of our peers.”
Some of the presentations include:
- Determinants of Actively Traded Municipal Bonds and Their Impact on Municipalities/
Carolyn Bourdeaux, director of the Center for State and Local Finance and associate professor at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, is this year’s conference chair.
Presenter: Konul Amrahova, graduate research assistant
- Does Financial Slack Reduce Municipal Short-Term Borrowing?/ Presenter: W. Bartley Hildreth, CSLF affiliated faculty, AYSPS professor; Min Su, graduate research assistant
- Evaluating the Early Effects of Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship Eligibility Changes/ Presenter: Cynthia Searcy, CSLF affiliated faculty, AYSPS assistant professor and assistant dean
In addition to being CSLF’s director, Bourdeaux is also this year’s ABFM conference chair and the chair-elect for the association. In 2016, she will assume the association’s top leadership position.
“We worked especially hard on this year’s conference, now in its 27th year,” she said. “We are confident that attendees will discover there is something for everyone.”
Among other sessions, the conference with feature four past directors of the Congressional Budget Office, high-profile leaders in municipal securities, and Len Burman, director of the Urban‐Brookings Tax Policy Center.
[accordion] [item title=”CSLF at ABFM: Conference Attendees and Topics”]
Before, During and After the Great Recession: Bond Ratings of State GO Debt across the Three Major Debt Rating Agencies
- Katherine Willoughby, Professor
Determinants of Actively Traded Municipal Bonds and Their Impact on Municipalities
- Konul Amrahova, Graduate Research Assistant
Does Financial Slack Reduce Municipal Short-Term Borrowing?
- W. Bartley Hildreth, Professor; Min Su, Graduate Research Assistant
Do-si-do across State Lines: Empirical Analysis of Online Sales by the Girl Scouts
- Sarah Larson, Senior Research Associate
Empirical Evidence on Tax Policy (panel)
- Sarah Larson, Senior Research Associate (moderator)
Evaluating the Early Effects of Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship Eligibility Changes
- Cynthia Searcy, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean
The Past and Future of Municipal Securities: 40th Anniversary of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (panel)
- W. Bartley Hildreth, Professor (moderator)
State Tax Commissions and Tax Reform Proposals
- Rahul Pathak, Graduate Research Assistant; Co-Authors: Carolyn Bourdeaux, Associate Professor and CSLF Director; Sally Wallace, Professor, Associate Dean, and Director of the Fiscal Research Center (FRC)
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[accordion] [item title=”Other AYSPS Attendees and Topics”]
- Komla Dzigbede, a doctoral candidate, will present on the “Option Valuation of School Districts’ Advance Refunding Choices in Municipal Bond Markets.”
- Sarah Beth Gehl, a doctoral candidate, will present “Who Can Agree? An Analysis of Cooperation and Competition in Local Fiscal Negotiations.”
- Ross Rubenstein, professor, and Dan Sweat Chair will lead the panel discussion on topics in education finance. Additionally, he will present work regarding the HOPE scholarship with Katherine Willoughby (see above), as well as on the “Property Value Effects of Place-Based College Tuition Guarantee Programs.”
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[accordion] [item title=”Former AYSPS Students at ABFM”]
- Sarah Arnett, former doctoral student, now senior analyst, Government Accountability Office
- Spencer T. Brien, former doctoral student, now an assistant professor at Naval Postgraduate School
- Hai (David) Guo, former doctoral student, now an assistant professor at Florida International University
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