A Tale of Two States by Carolyn Bourdeaux
Fiscal Research Center, Georgia’s Rankings Among the States: Budget, Taxes and Other Indictors, January 2016, http://frc.gsu.edu/files/2016/01/Georgia-Rankings-Report_January-2016.pdf
Bureau of Economic Analysis, SA1 Personal Income Summary: Personal Income, Population, Per Capita Personal Income, Regional Data [Accessed April 15, 2016]
Governing, High School Graduation Rates by State, http://www.governing.com/gov-data/high-school-graduation-rates-by-state.html [Accessed April 15, 2016]
NASBO State Expenditure Report 2016, Table 5,
[Accessed April 15, 2016]
NCHEMS Information Center for Higher Education Policy-making and Analysis, ACS Educational Attainment by Degree-Level and Age-Group http://www.higheredinfo.org/dbrowser/?level=nation&mode=data&state=0&submeasure=251 [Accessed April 15, 2016]
National Census of Education, Report Card, State Comparisons Across Years https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/profiles/stateprofile?chort=1&sub=MAT&sj=&sfj=NP&st=MN&year=2017R3 [Accessed April 15, 2016]