The Center for State and Local Finance (CSLF) at Georgia State University is one of several institutions partnering with New York-based Volcker Alliance to conduct a multiyear study to help improve budgeting and fiscal sustainability in all 50 states.
According to a press release:
The Truth and Integrity in Government Finance Project, as the study is known, will lay the groundwork for governors, legislators, civic organizations, and citizens concerned about fiscal stewardship to effect meaningful improvements in the quality and transparency of state budgets in a time of fiscal stress for many governments.
Carolyn Bourdeaux, director of the Center for State and Local Finance, is leading the project at Georgia State University, and she is working with a group of talented graduate school students.
“In my view,” she was quoted as saying, “this is the best way to learn. Students are digging into individual lines of state budgets and researching the story behind each number. Their research will not only contribute to a comparative study of all 50 states, but also have the power to influence future policies and practices.”
The other institutions involved:
- Arizona State University
- City University of New York
- Cornell University
- Florida International University
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- University of Illinois Springfield
- University of Kentucky
- University of Minnesota
- University of Utah