Carlianne Patrick
Associate Professor Center for State and Local Finance, Department of Economics, Fiscal Research Center- Biography
I am committed to policy-relevant research that, broadly speaking, investigates how local variation in economic incentives and other conditions affect economic agents. My research covers several topics under this umbrella. One strand focuses on the effect of, and theoretical justification for, policies aimed at altering firm decisions, such as where to locate (i.e., economic development policies). Another explores the effect of local public goods and tax policies on households’ location decisions and housing. A third studies how locational characteristics influence labor market outcomes.
My current projects include microdata tests of the economic theories justifying local economic development policies, investigating the shape of the agglomeration function and multiple equilibria associated with large, positive shocks to local industrial structure; agglomeration externalities in developing country markets characterized by large informal sectors; targeted economic development incentives and the missing middle; the effects of age-based property tax exemptions; and the influence of local characteristics on women’s labor market outcomes. My research has been published in journals such as Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Economic Inquiry, and The National Tax Journal. I am a recipient of the 2016 Miernyk Research Excellence Medal, the 2014 Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Dean’s Early Career Award, Charles M. Tiebout Prize in Regional Science, Barry M. Moriarty Prize, W.E. Upjohn Foundation Early Career Award, and Regional Science Association International Dissertation Award. She received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University.